Thursday, March 6, 2008

Presentation Recap

Hey guys, we hope you liked our presentation.  We made sure that there wasn't a thing we said that we weren't sure about being able to do.  We don't want to be remembered as the guys that couldn't come through, so we want you to know that we're confident that we'll make this stuff happen.  These are two of the things we're really pushing.  I'll write more later, but I gotta head to class.
  • 100 & 200 level students - Orientation seminars, roundtables, get-togethers to help you learn and get great internships.  Introduce you to the faculty and have a Q & A with them.  
  • Competition Teams - we've got coaches from the Nation's best companies to train us.  This will be great if you feel like you need to learn or if you're just starting out in the major. 
  • Mock Competitions in LEED, BIM, Design Build, etc. so that everyone from Pre-CM to Seniors learn skills not taught in class.
  • We have a lot of out of state contacts.  We'll use that for the seminars and recruiting.
Our ultimate plan is increase the clout of the school.  We feel we can help make BYU an elite CM major.  That means that by the time you're out of here, you can have some great internships under your belt and some world class job offers in your hand.  Let's help our major start rising above.   If you have any suggestions for next year, email me at  

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