Monday, March 3, 2008

Rising Above

Well we are. You know, between Obama, Hillary, and McCain, none are showing like they'll give our CM program the attention that it deserves. That's why we're deciding to run. All seven of us are very devoted to this major. We love everything about it.

We're the type of people to get passionate about things. We love working hard and seeing results. We aren't interested in just the maintenance of the program. That would be a waste of time. We're interested in progress - in rising above our current level.  We want you all to look back and say, "Whoa, that was a productive year!" We think we can make real positive changes. Vote for us. We promise to do our best all year long, as we all make this program great together. We are BYU. We are Rising Above.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I'm voting for myself. I seem like an excellent choice.